Best Small Business IT Support Services in Chicago | Illinois

Small businesses need technology to drive better outcomes. Hardware, software, and networks are the lifeblood of small businesses, generating revenue, connecting customers and employees, and driving productivity.

Managing your technology can be a challenge for small businesses. Small internal IT staff, lack of expertise, and need to focus on more pressing issues means you’re often falling behind when it comes to technology. That’s why a managed IT solution from L4IT makes sense. 

Our experienced IT teams work closely to identify your most pressing technical challenges, assess your existing solutions, and develop a customized solution. With managed IT services from L4IT, you can focus on your core business and let us manage your technology. 

Best Small Business IT Support Services in Chicago | Illinois

What Is Managed IT Services for Small Businesses?

With managed IT services, you pay a predictable monthly rate to oversee vital elements of your technology, troubleshoot issues, install updates, and keep data stored and accessible. All these services are offered with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.

Our managed IT solutions for small business include:

Our managed IT solutions for small business include:

  • Hosted Cloud Support.
    Store data and apps in the cloud, with automated data backups and access to your information from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Wireless Networks. 
    Network solutions ensure that your on-premises staff has access to shared files, email, and other tools to connect to network servers local or in the cloud.
  • Help-Desk Services.
    Get your team’s technical problems solved quickly with 24/7 remote help-desk support to solve your most pressing hardware, software, and network needs. Most problems can be solved remotely with minimal lost time and disruption.
  • Infrastructure. 
    Our services ensure your on-site data centers, cabling, routers, and other infrastructure components are configured correctly.
  • Business Telephones.
    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions add features to keep your calls connected, transparent and affordable.
  • Disaster Recovery
    In the event of a natural disaster or cyberattack, you want fast access to your data and technology. With business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning services, you have the plans and procedures to minimize the impact of a disruption.
  • Mobile Device Management. 
    With more employees working remotely, mobile devices are far more common. Keep smartphones, laptops, and tablets secure and connected.
  • Virtual CIO Services. 
    Do you need counsel to help identify future technical needs and solve pressing technology challenges? With a virtual CIO, your small business has access to insights, experience, and expertise at a fraction of the cost of a full-time c-level executive.
  • Cybersecurity. 
    Keeping your technology secure is paramount. Our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions include next-generation firewalls to protect your network perimeter, protective software solutions (anti-malware, anti-phishing, and anti-spam), ongoing threat detection, penetration testing, and employee training.
L4IT Is the Choice for Small Businesses Throughout the Greater Chicago area 

Why choose L4IT? We offer the following: 

  • Experience.
    Our skilled employees know the software, hardware, and technologies that drive your small business.
  • Customer Focus.
    Our mission is to support our customers with technical solutions that drive their businesses forward.
  • Problem Solving.
    We start our business relationship by learning about your business, goals, and needs and developing solutions designed to solve your most challenging problems.

Contact L4IT today to learn more about our IT services for Chicago small businesses.