Best Support Startups in Chicago | Illinois  

Just like you’ve developed a business plan for your startup, you’ll need a strategic IT plan for business growth. L4IT will design a plan to make the most of your technology budget and guide your business as new technologies emerge.  

In addition, having an IT Managed Service provider in Chicago will take the pressure off your internal staff. Many startups rely on their staff to wear multiple hats. However, working on IT issues while doing your job isn’t that simple. Complex technology issues just need to be managed by a professional vs doing-it-yourself. 

Why not then hire an internal IT person? Hiring internal IT staff is expensive especially in Chicago-metro. You’ll probably have to pay close to $100,000 a year for one IT specialist. Then you’ve got the benefits, sick days, vacation and training to cover. With L4IT ’s Managed IT Services, you’ll have an entire team of IT specialists, for much less.  L4it is Best Support Startups in Chicago | Illinois.

Best Support Startups in Chicago | Illinois

IT Services to help you navigate your changing landscape 

We know what it’s like to be a startup, by being one ourselves, and by working with other Chicago startups that have grown really fast. Startups thrive on the ability of a fast-moving, high-availability staff. We’ve been part of startups in Chicago that have gone from 5 employees to 200 employees, and multiple locations in as little as 5 years meeting their demanding IT needs during every milestone.  

How we help business startups grow 

  • Managed IT. Be it setting-up new workstations, configuring your network or tackling day-to-day IT problems, we’ll keep your business systems running and your employees on-track with delivering your products and services. 
  • Compliance Consulting Services. You can’t afford to get hit by costly fines and penalties, especially in the early days of your business. But you don’t have the people or time to tackle it properly. Well, there’s no need to be stuck; talk to us and we’ll take care of all of your business’ data privacy and cybersecurity requirements with compliance testing and consulting, including HIPAA, GDPR, PCI-DSS, SOC2 and others. 
  • Cybersecurity Support. Because you’re a startup, hackers might see you as an easier target than your bigger competitors. Work with us to improve your cybersecurity, by encrypting all of your communications, shielding your data, keeping intruders out of your networks and computers free of viruses. 
  • Private Cloud Hosting. Don’t let managing cloud data cause anxiety, overtime or hefty capital spending at your company. We have two fully-compliant, fully-managed data centers at your disposal. We’ll handle the day-to-day challenges of securing your data and keeping your cloud assets running with expert cloud services (even during power outages or other bad days). You just focus on delivering to market. 
  • Disaster Recovery. No matter how well protected you are, you’ve got to be prepared for the worst of days. We can help with our disaster recovery services, such as securely keeping copies or backups of your website, client information, etc. Be it recovering from a cyber breach or fatal error, we’ll restore your entire IT system and get your business back on its feet in short order. Don’t let hackers have the last laugh.  
  • Purchasing. We recently started working with a startup of 20 remote users. One thing they love about our services is the ability to quickly make new purchases for Desktops, Laptops and other tech quickly and easily, and shipped to the user fully provisioned. 

L4IT is the choice for Startups in the Chicago-area, Schaumburg and Cook County. Here are 4 reasons why startups choose L4IT as their go-to IT service provider: 

  • Strategic Plan. Create a strong IT Management plan early on. We can help you source the right equipment, applications, cloud-tech and higher-level of expertise from the get-go. We’ve seen this done before, and companies that start-off with a plan win. 
  • Highly Adaptable. Startups need someone that can make quick changes. The secret to any good startup is the ability to quickly change on short notice. They don’t have time to project plan for 6 months on the newest tech. Or if a process isn’t working, take months to make a change. 
  • Expertise. Startups need someone to give them solid advice. A company that’s not married to specific technology that they try to upsell. We’ll provide you with consulting specifically for your business and industry by leveraging the resources we have. 
  • Reliable Team. Startups need someone that can be there for them at any time. Because we work with custom offices, and startups, we know the routine; sometimes you’ll have questions at all hours of the day. We’re aware and we will help. Give our services a try and see for yourself.  L4it is Best Support Startups in Chicago | Illinois.