Best Business Continuity Services in Chicago | Illinois

Business operations can be impacted by natural or man-made events and the restoration of these operations requires a coordinated effort by multiple teams. Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, pandemics, etc. as well as man-made disasters like labor issues, socio-political issues, utility outages, etc. can all cause disruption to the day-to-day operations of a business and call for invoking the BCP.

Best Business Continuity Services in Chicago | Illinois

Need for BCP 

  • Uninterrupted operations – A good business continuity strategy for business will ensure continuous continuity of operations by constantly monitoring, assessing, and updating the BCP accordingly. Every change in the business should see a corresponding change in BCP that explains how to respond.
  • Benefit of DRP – Business continuity plans refer to those activities that are required to carry out ‘critical’ business processes in the event of a disaster or other emergencies. Disaster recovery refers to the actual assessment, repair, and/or restoration of systems and facilities damaged by the disaster. A good Business Continuity Plan (BCP) will include a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) as well as it is a key part of business continuity strategy for business. L4it is Best Business Continuity Services in Chicago | Illinois.

Today, just like a lot of other business functions, there are third-party agencies that provide business continuity strategy services for corporations and business houses. These agencies provide a proven framework to provide the solution to the specific threat faced by an organization.

Companies offering business continuity strategy services are equipped to identify critical operations and technical risks faced by your company and can formulate a BCP and DCP specific to each. The mitigation and recovery strategies help you to assess, repair, and restore activities, that are impacted and the organization can return to business as usual.

Three stages of Business continuity strategy for business

  • Planning – In this step, through interviews with employees, information needs to be gathered to understand the critical activities for their jobs. Based on this information, we can undertake activities such as Gap Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, Risk Matrix, and Service Dependency Mapping, all of which are critical components of your business continuity management.
  • Implementing – During this step, the actual Business Continuity Plan, Disaster Recovery Plan, Crisis Communication Plan, and Incident Response Plans are drawn up.
  • Testing and Updating – Once the BCP and other plans are implemented, they need to be tested in real-time and their effectiveness tested. Once the testing is done, the BCP needs to be revisited regularly and tested again to ensure that they are still effective considering the changes in the business if any.

How to choose a BCP & DRP partner?

Today, there are many business continuity strategy services providers. So how do you decide whom to work with?

The following are some aspects to consider

  • Knowledge and experience – An agency that has been providing business continuity strategy services for a considerable length of time will definitely be knowledge might also have the experience of working across multiple industries and sectors. Hence it is always prudent to partner with an MSP with a proven track record.
  • Customer reviews – It is possible to know the reputation of the MSP through testimonials on their website, and review sites. You can also seek help from your network regarding finding a good business continuity strategy services provider.
  • Certifications – Business continuity management is subject to many standards and compliance requirements. The agency’s website can provide if they are aligned to these standards and that of the industry in general.
At L4IT, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, including vulnerability assessments, compliance audit planning, ongoing network monitoring, and anti-phishing software. Contact L4IT today to learn more about our business continuity services. L4it is Best Business Continuity Services in Chicago | Illinois.