Best CIO Services in Chicago | Illinois 

  • Benefit over cost – Previously, businesses believed that outsourcing their IT services was prohibitively expensive. However, when correctly executed by a knowledgeable IT partner who provides, managed CIO services for companies can become a competitive advantage. This enables dynamic expansion to match the pace of your business, effectively turning IT into a revenue producer that assists your company in winning. 
  • Rise of fractional CIOs – CIOs provided by MSPs are also known as fractional CIOs. Fractional CIOs differ from regular CIOs in that they operate as a contractor on a company’s executive management team and may or may not participate on the board of directors. A fractional CIO serves as a part-time CIO, usually for small or medium-sized businesses that cannot afford or need a full-time CIO. CIO service companies manage the job of the Chief Information Officer or CIO who is responsible for planning, developing, and executing the IT strategy for the company. This strategy will have a huge impact on how successfully the business goals are met, what is the return on investment as well as safeguard the company’s assets from threats and disasters.
Best CIO Services in Chicago | Illinois

Benefits of hiring fractional CIO 

The CEO or business owner is in complete charge of small businesses. He or she handles multiple functions like HR, Finance, Sales, Technology, etc. If the company needs to scale up and benefit from operational efficiencies, the CEO will need support but at the same time, there is not enough work for a full-time hire.

IT is one such domain. Once the infrastructure is in place, only minimal support and monitoring are required. This is where hiring a fractional CIO can do wonders for the business.

You receive the same expertise and support as that of an in-house CIO but at a fraction of the cost. You can still meet your business needs, have an excellent IT strategy, and ensure a safe and secure IT network for your business.

The following are the ways in which a fractional CIO can help your business.

  • They can make your business benefit from best practices in the technology domain.
  • They can give direction and advice to your business.
  • They can advise on how to leverage technology for operational efficiency and improving overall performance.
  • They can help in filling knowledge gaps in the company.
  • They can help mentor and grow IT capabilities in-house.
  • They can devise strategies to minimize risks across the entire organization.

Several factors need to be considered before bringing in a fractional CIO. Small organizations with small budgets can add a lot of value by partnering with CIO service companies. Hiring a fractional CIO has many advantages and if their skills and experience are leveraged correctly, they could be a game-changer for your business. L4it is Best CIO Services in Chicago | Illinois.

Learn more about how L4IT can help your company with complex technical issues with our fractional CIO services.